Here are our latest blogs to read

COVID-19 Tips for employers: Cleaning, testing and PPE

COVID-19 Tips for employers: Cleaning, testing and PPE

Good hygiene and the correct use of face coverings can help slow the spread of COVID-19.  This advice is based...
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COVID-19 Tips for employers: Social distancing for staff

COVID-19 Tips for employers: Social distancing for staff

Making sure people stay two metres apart is key to preventing a COVID-19 outbreak at the workplace. In the second...
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COVID-19 Tips for employers: Making the workplace coronavirus-proof

COVID-19 Tips for employers: Making the workplace coronavirus-proof

Making the workplace a COVID-19 safe environment for staff, contractors, visitors and volunteers is not an easy feat. In the...
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Covid-19 Will Be Here For A Long Time

Covid-19 Will Be Here For A Long Time

Evidence given recently to the House of Commons Health committee by the Director of the Wellcome Trust and others says that...
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What is COVID-19?

What is COVID-19?

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by a novel RNA virus which has been named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus...
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The Cytokine Storm

The Cytokine Storm

Molecular analysis of severely affected people is bringing much information to the fore and in the worse affected cases there...
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Continued Caution Required in the Workplace

Continued Caution Required in the Workplace

Some countries, particularly in Western Europe are fortunately experiencing a decrease in new COVID-19 infections. Other parts of the world,...
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7 Frequently Asked Questions of a Geneblitz DNA Test
Geneblitz Products

7 Frequently Asked Questions of a Geneblitz DNA Test

1. What is a Geneblitz DNA test? Our Geneblitz DNA test allows you to establish a biological relationship between individuals...
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Your genes may remain active after death

Your genes may remain active after death

When we die it may be assumed that all bodily activity and functioning comes to a halt. However, new research...
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Fresh vs frozen embryos – whats the difference?

Fresh vs frozen embryos – whats the difference?

When couples undergo the process of In Vitro Fertility (IVF), they have a lot of decisions to make. One of...
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The prevention of birth complications

The prevention of birth complications

Miscarriages, premature births and other birth complications such as pre-eclampsia affect many pregnant women in the UK. But, just what...
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DNA Sequencing to Survey Ecosystems
Plants & Animals

DNA Sequencing to Survey Ecosystems

The Mekong river is located in Southeast Asia. With an estimated length of 4,350km, it flows from the Tibetan Plateau...
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Could the Revolution of New DNA Sequencing and Editing Technologies Bring Species Back from Extinction?
Plants & Animals

Could the Revolution of New DNA Sequencing and Editing Technologies Bring Species Back from Extinction?

Rapid developments in genetic technologies including next-generation DNA sequencing and CRISPR, may make it possible for scientists to bring some...
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Tracking Down the Genes that Allow Viruses to Spread

Tracking Down the Genes that Allow Viruses to Spread

The genus of viruses known as the flaviviruses are emerging globally as a significant cause of human disease. A flavivirus...
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The Tall Story of the Giraffe Genome
Plants & Animals

The Tall Story of the Giraffe Genome

The giraffe is a unique animal. It has evolved to have a long neck and long legs, making it the...
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Human Genome Project – Write

Human Genome Project – Write

It has been over a decade since the Human Genome Project (HGP-read) was completed. It succeeded in sequencing the entire...
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MetaSUB: Creating a World-Wide ‘DNA Map’ of Microbiomes

MetaSUB: Creating a World-Wide ‘DNA Map’ of Microbiomes

Have you ever wondered what may be lurking on the handrails and turnstiles and all the surfaces you touch, on...
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Mother’s Negligence Suit Against Quest’s Athena Could Broadly Impact Genetic Testing Labs

Mother’s Negligence Suit Against Quest’s Athena Could Broadly Impact Genetic Testing Labs

On 5th January 2008, a two-year old boy called Christian Millare had a severe seizure and died. Eight years later...
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The Fight to Save Our Ash Trees
Plants & Animals

The Fight to Save Our Ash Trees

We have 157,000 hectares of ash woodland in the UK, together with approximately 12 million ash trees outside the woodlands...
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Kakapo 125: Sequencing the Genomes of an Entire Species
Plants & Animals

Kakapo 125: Sequencing the Genomes of an Entire Species

New Zealand has been separate from other land masses for approximately 80 million years. This geographic isolation has allowed for...
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